Services and Rates

Getting your publication or manuscript from the spark of an idea into the hands of your readers can be daunting. I provide multiple services and bundling options to assist you in getting your projects into the world. I’d love to work with you to reach your goals, harnessing my knowledge of industry standards and years of experience in editing roles, from freelance to award-winning lit magazines.



Click here to inquire.


When you’ve finished your project, you know it inside and out—which can hinder your ability to self-edit. With attention to detail (and fresh eyes), I will pore through your manuscript and work with you to sharpen, polish, and elevate it. I provide a variety of editing services to fit your needs. My background includes literary and nonliterary work.

  • I specialize in Nonfiction Editing—especially in nonfiction that bends, deconstructs, fragments, and pushes the limits of genre. I also love working with traditional forms of memoir and nonfiction.

  • While my MFA focused on Creative Nonfiction, I have extensive experience in Fiction Editing. I studied across genres and loved my time in fiction workshops. I've also written award-winning short stories, and edited short stories and novels. My favorite fiction genres are literary, speculative, sci-fi, and fantasy, but I am comfortable working with authors across almost all fiction genres.

  • My background includes experience in Technical Editing. Please inquire about your project. My undergrad background is in biological science and writing.


Click here to inquire.


Congratulations on finishing your manuscript, essay collection, or project. Now all you have to do is format it—a process that can sound easy at first but can quickly spiral into unknowns and expense. With my experience in publishing, I can help you get your book ready for print or online publication so that you end up with a beautiful product to industry standards.

Ready to schedule a consultation?

Click here to drop me a line.


A good editing fit is vital to a strong finished product—after all, you’ve embedded pieces of yourself into this work. As part of my services, I like to schedule a free consultation to discuss your goals as an author, which services you’re interested in, and to learn about your specific project to ensure our working relationship is solid and conducive.

*All rates are set at industry standard.

*250 words per page for all categories except for picture books, which are up to 30 words per page with a max of 52 pages.

  • Copyediting includes correcting spelling, grammar, usage, punctuation; cross-referencing; and preparing a custom style sheet. Copyediting may include light (notations) and heavy (in-text revision) suggestions.

    *Fiction Copyediting is .04/word, and my expected pacing is 4-6 pages/hr.

    *Nonfiction Copyediting is .04/word, and my expected pacing is 4-6 pages/hr.

    *Technical Copyediting is .05/word, and my expected pacing is 4-6 pages/hr.

  • Line editing includes work at the sentence or paragraph level of a project. Like copyeditors, they correct errors, but this type of editing focuses on improving the language and style of the text. Line editing is separate from developmental editing, which focuses on global issues within a project. Line editing and copyediting can coincide.

    *Line Editing is .05/word for ALL genres, and my expected pacing is 4-6 pages/hr.

  • Developmental editing (sometimes called content editing) focuses on content, organization, and genre considerations. This service includes an editorial (or revision) letter outlining global issues for the author to address. This type of editing may consist of minor line or copy edits as examples for the author to enhance their writing style. Sometimes a manuscript evaluation, or an overall critique of the content, may be more appropriate. This course of action focuses on describing a critical flaw, larger problems, or content issues instead of proposing solutions. Developmental editing does not include ghostwriting or significant rewriting done by the editor.

    *Developmental Fiction Editing is .08/word for ALL genres, and my expected pacing is 4-6 pages/hr.

    *Developmental Nonfiction Editing is .08/word for ALL genres, and my expected pacing is 4-6 pages/hr.

    *Developmental Technical Editing is .09/word for ALL genres, and my expected pacing is 1-3 pages/hr.

  • Proofreading includes checking the text for grammatical, spelling, punctuation, typographical consistency, and formatting errors.

    *Proofreading is .02/word for ALL genres, and my expected pacing is 6-8 pages/hr.

  • Design/ Layout/ Formatting can include a wide variety of services. I primarily focus on the book's interior, which consists of all formatting and layout work to take your manuscript from a document to electronic and print production-ready files set to industry standard. I do not design cover art, but I am happy to work with art files you own the rights to.

    *Prose Print is .03/word for ALL genres, and my expected pacing is 4-6 pages/hr.

    *Prose Electronic is .02/word for ALL genres, and my expected pacing is 4-6 pages/hr.

    *Picture Print is .05/word for ALL genres, and my expected pacing is 4-6 pages/hr.

    *Prose Electronic is .05/word for ALL genres, and my expected pacing is 4-6 pages/hr.

  • As your coach, I work with clients to develop, refine, or complete a work in progress, which may include anything from inspiration and encouragement to more direct project advising. Coaching is often most effective at the beginning of a project or amid a project stall. As a consultant, I help clients navigate the ins and outs of publishing, printing, and production.

    *Inquire about genre. $75/hr

  • Query letter and book proposal consultations may include many of the services above, depending on the author's goals. Times will vary.

    *Query Letter Reviews run $75/hr.